What is Kumashape
Kumashape is a platform cleared by the FDA and the TGA to produce circumferential and cellulite reduction. A real alternative for non-surgical liposuction.
Kumashape features the revolutionary elos combo of Bi-polar radio frequency (RF), Infraredlight energies plus negative pressure and mechanical tissue manipulation.
The synergistic combo of infrared and conducted RF energies increase the oxygen intracellular diffusion by heating the skin. Vacuum and specially designed roller manipulate and smooth out the skin to facilitate safe en efficient energy delivery. The net result increases the metabolism of stored energy (lipolysis), increases lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat chamber. The result: a reduction in the circumference of the treated area and a smoother appearance of the skin’s surface.
4 treatments are protocol for visible results. Areas that can be treated: Jawline, upper arms, buttocks, thighs and abdomen.
Kumashape body contouring package 4
Kumashape is a platform cleared by the FDA and the TGA
to produce circumferential and cellulite reduction. A real alternative for non-surgical liposuction. Kumashape features the revolutionary Elos combo of Bi-polar radio frequency (RF), Infrared light energies plus negative pressure and mechanical tissue manipulation. The synergistic combo of infrared and conducted RF energies increase the oxygen intracellular diffusion by heating the skin. Vacuum and specially designed roller manipulate and smooth out the skin to facilitate safe en efficient energy delivery. The net result increases the metabolism of stored energy (lipolysis), increases lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat chamber. The result: a reduction in the circumference of the treated area and a smoother appearance of the skin’s surface. 4 treatments are protocol for visible results. Areas that can be treated: Jawline, upper arms, buttocks, thighs and abdomen.
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